Aquacultured Master Scoly Frag

Posted by Quality Marine Staff on April 16, 2024

Aquacultured Master Scoly Frag thumbnail image

The Master Scolymia Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral prized by reef aquarium enthusiasts for its stunning appearance and relatively easy care requirements. Place Scolymia Coral in the lower to middle part of the aquarium, preferably on a sandy substrate or securely attached to rock. Ensure there is ample space between Scolymia and other corals to prevent stinging or aggression. Provide moderate to high lighting levels, preferably using lighting systems with adjustable intensity. Scolymia Corals require sufficient light to thrive and display their vibrant colors. They are carnivorous and benefit from regular feeding. Offer them a varied diet of meaty foods such as Gamma Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, Chopped Mussel, and Nutramar Complete Shots.