The Flame Hawk (Neocirrhitus armatus)

Posted by Quality Marine Staff on September 15, 2022

The Flame Hawk (Neocirrhitus armatus) thumbnail image

Name and morphology 
The Flame Hawk (Neocirrhitus armatus) is a member of the family Cirrhitidae or the Hawkfish family. As their name suggests, they are a bright red fish with a blaze of black going down their back, but not extending onto the dorsal fin. They reach a maximum size of less than four inches.

Distribution and Habitat Flame Hawks are found throughout the Pacific Ocean, usually in relatively shallow water (less than 50 feet) and associated with high surge areas such as reef crests. Barren rock with SPS (small polyp stony coral) is their habitat, and frequently they will be found living amongst the branches of these corals such as Acropora sp.

Aquarium Requirements Flame Hawks like to perch, and remain motionless, so a lot of swimming room is not required to keep one of these fish. That said, a minimum aquarium size of 40 gallons would be a good place to start. They are peaceful by nature, but shouldn’t be housed with fish or invertebrates small enough to fit in their mouth, as they will try to eat them. They are ideal reef aquarium inhabitants as they are used to living in high flow high light environments. The addition of small polyp stony coral colonies, especially ones large enough for them to take up residence in, would not only perfectly emulate their natural environment but offer the aquarist the ability to witness their natural behavior.

Feeding An ambush predator by nature, small appropriately sized meaty foods should be offered. Enriched brine shrimp, mysis, or even finely chopped market seafood will all appease this voracious little hunter.

Breeding The Flame Hawk is a protogynous hermaphrodite (starting life as a female, and transitioning to male as it grows and matures). They form loose pairs – largely dependent on situation but ranging from a monogamous situation to a harem – where one male will defend a small territory with multiple females. A bonded pair will display courtship rituals at sunset under prime condition.

Conclusion The Flame Hawk is an iconic reef aquaria species. Adding one, or a pair to a large reef aquarium filled with mature Acropora colonies would make for truly fascinating observation in the home aquarium so call your local fish store and ask them to order you a sustainably sourced Flame Hawk from Quality Marine today!