A fast, proven solution to enhance river health, build climate resilience, and benefit people and nature

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on March 14, 2023

A fast, proven solution to enhance river health, build climate resilience, and benefit people and nature thumbnail image

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is proposing at the UN Water Conference to remove dams on March 23rd. The event is partnering with American Rivers, Open Rivers Fund, Dam Removal Europe, European Open Rivers Programme and World Fish Migration Foundation.

Having healthy, flowing rivers are critical to global efforts to reduce climate and nature crises. They will help boost biodiversity within and around the rivers, which is very important to protecting the species’ populations.

Many dams are now obsolete and are not being actively utilized. Right now, dams disrupt the natural flow of the water and sediments. As these dams age they can potentially pose as a risk. The program’s goal is to detail the benefits of removing the dams and how to invest in scaling up to restore rivers.

We are looking forward to hearing about the results from the UN Water Conference and hope to see more restoration effects in the near future. To learn more about what the WWF is proposing head to their article at https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/freshwater_practice/freshwater_news/freshwater_news_all/?7866466/Removing-dams-restoring-rivers