Sakura Ryukin Goldfish

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on November 29, 2023

Sakura Ryukin Goldfish thumbnail image

One of our favorite Fancies here is the Sakura Ryukin Goldfish as they have the gorgeous appearance of the other fancy goldfish, while still being quite hardy and more active than most. Like all Goldfish, Ryukins will like relatively cool water, from the upper 60s to the mid 70s is ideal, though they are tolerant of temps a bit outside this range. They are pretty tolerant of hard or soft water and a range of pH values, as long as this value isn't more than a point(ish) away from seven. Goldfish will appreciate plants in aquariums, but will root around in the substrate and also eat plants as they see fit. If you are set on having a planted Goldfish aquarium, see our article on alternative goldfish setups, or fall back on any of the very lifelike silk plants.