Panda Loach (Protomyzon pachychilus)

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on November 9, 2018

Panda Loach (Protomyzon pachychilus) thumbnail image

The Panda Loach is a cool tiny river fish that we are excited to bring to you as a seasonal item. It currently measures about 1 inch but can grow a bit more. This is a shy and peaceful fish that can live with other river fish of the same temperament. This loach can be kept in a planted aquarium or in a simple aquarium setup that includes a fine sandy substrate with drift wood pieces for it likes to spend time hiding. Make sure to maintain the aquarium water clean, well oxygenated, and at a temperature of about 75°F. Lastly, provide it with a varied diet of dry and finely chopped meaty frozen foods to maintain it in optimal health.