Liuli 'Spilonotus Tanzania' Cichlid

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on March 28, 2024

Liuli 'Spilonotus Tanzania' Cichlid  thumbnail image

The Liuli 'Spilonotus Tanzania' Cichlid is a colorful and active brackish fish native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. They can be territorial and will need ample space to establish territories and swim freely. A larger aquarium is recommended, with a minimum size of 55 gallons for a small group of Cichlids. However, larger tanks, such as 75 gallons or more, are preferable for housing multiple species or larger individuals. Provide plenty of hiding spots and rock formations to mimic their natural habitat. Use large rocks, caves, and driftwood to create caves and crevices for the Cichlids to explore and establish territories. A sandy substrate is ideal, as Malawi Cichlids are known for sifting through sand in search of food.