Gold Nugget L-018 (Baryancistrus sp. L-018)

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on November 2, 2018

Gold Nugget L-018 (Baryancistrus sp. L-018) thumbnail image

If you didn't get a gold nugget for your aquarium this Halloween, don't fret, we have your back! We have the Gold Nugget L-018 (Baryancistrus sp. L-018) in our livestock list and ready to add to your next order. This is a good bottom dwelling fish for all hobbyists because it doesn't require much to keep it happy. This is a good bottom dwelling fish for all hobbyists because it doesn't require much to keep it happy. The Gold Nugget L-018 in stock measures about 2.5 inches, but it can grow up to 9 inches. So, make sure to provide it with a mid-size tank of about 30 gallons. Also, include a sandy substrate with some drift wood pieces for it to spend most of its time hiding from the light. Plecos from this genus are typically peaceful fish but may become territorial over its hiding place if it shares its tank with other fish. Lastly, it requires a varied diet that includes algae, vegetables, and frozen meaty foods.