Carpintis Round Pearlscale Cichlid

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on April 24, 2024

Carpintis Round Pearlscale Cichlid thumbnail image

Carpintis Round Pearlscale Cichlids are known for their striking appearance, characterized by their round body shape and distinctive pearlscale patterning. They typically display shades of blue, green, and iridescent hues, making them an attractive addition to any aquarium. Provide plenty of hiding spots and caves for Carpintis Cichlids to establish territories and retreat when necessary. Decorate the tank with rocks, driftwood, and live plants to mimic their natural habitat and create a visually appealing environment. They can be territorial and aggressive, especially during breeding. Avoid keeping them with small or timid tank mates that may be intimidated or bullied.