Lipovit 50 ml

Manufactured by Tropic Marin 
A food additive rich in nutrients and vitamins to enhance the health and vitality of fish
Premium nutrition = healthy fish
Nutrition plays a central role in the health of fish. The potentialities of nourishment tailored to meet the needs and ensure the health of fish are often underestimated and not duly taken into account when selecting food materials.
Healthier because of selected food supplements
In their natural habitat, fish can choose the tastiest and healthiest food from an abundant selection of offerings. They ingest the freshest, mainly live, food in their natural habitat. In an aquarium, however, a diminished selection of food is available to fish for the most part. Suitable live food is rarely available to captive saltwater fish. If frozen food is stored for a length of time, particularly sensitive ingredients may change and consequently may no longer be available. Many essential vitamins are lost in the unthawing process. Some types of food provide a composition of nutrients that, by nature, is less than ideal for saltwater fish.
In the manufacture of dry food, the production methods, physical properties, and the shelf life often play a more important role than the nutritional needs of fish. Substances are added to improve the malleability and mechanical stability. Particularly sensitive and often particularly valuable substances cannot be added. The quality is further deteriorated by heating, drying, and by storage in direct contact with air.
For all of these reasons, especially the delicate saltwater fish in an aquarium require enhanced food quality. With LIPOVIT, Tropic Marin is offering a supplemental food product that has been tailored to meet the special nutritional needs of saltwater fish by providing the missing essential substances needed to maintain the health of fish.
LIPOVIT is also suited as a nutrition supplement for freshwater fish, in particular, for discus fish and ornamental koi.
Lipovit - High-energy, vitamin-added fish food supplement
Tropic Marin LIPOVIT provides concentrated energy for saltwater fish. A composition of high-grade marine oils provides fish with the very nutrition needed to cope with stressful situations and ward off diseases and parasites. Specifically the omega 3 fatty acids contained in marine oils are vital to saltwater fish. They prevent the dreaded head and lateral line erosion (HLLE) disease. There is no growth or sense of well-being for fish without these polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The composition of oils contained in LIPOVIT allows the content and selection of vitamins to be specifically adapted to meet the needs of fish. In this way, the actual dose of vitamins that fish need is supplemented. The added vitamins C and E protect the cells of fish from the damage of free radicals. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) plays a central role in many metabolic processes; it is needed for the immune defense and reduces the mortality rate of young fish. Fish benefit from the natural carotenoids contained in LIPOVIT that fulfill a function similar to vitamins. In addition to enhancing color, carotenoids also boost the fertility of fish and their readiness to spawn in particular. Successful spawning is directly correlated with the carotenoid content of fish.
Last but not least, with Tropic Marin LIPOVIT, fish are better able to make use of the nutrients. This reduces the nutrient burden on aquarium water caused by nitrate and phosphate.Ingredients: Natural marine oil, medical cod liver oil, garlic extract, natural carotenoids, soy lecithin, ascorbic acid, dl-alpha-tocopherol, pantothenol.
Size: 50 ml bottle
  • Care:
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